RtTech Software Releases Affordable Cloud-Based

RtTech Software Releases Affordable Cloud-Based

MONCTON, NB, March 3, 2015 /CNW/ – RtTech is proud to announce the release of a new, cloud-based version of its award-winning real-time KPI Calculator software, RtDuet. Offered on a monthly subscription basis, RtDuet Cloud is primarily directed towards small to medium manufacturers.

RtDuet Cloud allows smaller manufacturing companies to compete on the same level as larger corporations by implementing the robust software solution as an operating expense, rather than waiting to incorporate into future capital expenditures.

“We wanted to help all companies improve their plant efficiencies, not just the large and wealthy ones,” says RtTech Software CEO Pablo Asiron. We took a proven solution and adapted it into a subscription-based service to allow smaller companies to reap the rewards. This is the way all software is moving. We needed to adapt in order to compete, and we're happy to have been first out of the gate.”

RtDuet Cloud offers manufacturers the same features and benefits as its namesake, RtDuet. The significant differences are reduced installation time and subscription-based pricing.

“RtTech is leveraging the on-demand, scalable compute infrastructure of Microsoft Azure to provide services to their customers. Using Microsoft Azure cloud-scale global infrastructure the data is stored in the cloud, and assessable in real-time from any web or smart device by RtTech's global customers”, says Jamie Hamilton, Director, Vertical ISV Partner Program.

“We saw an emerging trend in the Industrial Internet of Things and were able to leverage Microsoft's Azure infrastructure to rapidly deploy this powerful OEE tool for our customers.” says Keith Flynn, RtTech Software CTO, excited about the new release.

In conjunction with Canadian Manufacturing and Exporting (CME), RtTech is hosting a free webinar on March 11th at 1:00pm EST with additional information on the software solution http://rttechsoftware.com/news-events/webinar-improve-efficiency

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