We help New Brunswick innovators
take their ideas further.

We support and empower New Brunswick entrepreneurs in building the next generation of global tech firms. We do that by investing in startups and by partnering with other investors to build venture capital.

Venture Capital

We invest in early-stage start-ups, those expanding into new markets, and businesses looking to leverage R&D for innovation.

Early Stage Commercialization Fund

We help move New Brunswick university, college and institutional research to market.

Productivity & Competitiveness

We invest in innovation that accelerates and improves the profitability and competitiveness of SMEs in New Brunswick.

News From Us

$1.5M Investment Gets Gemba Going

$1.5M Investment Gets Gemba Going

September 9, 2015 The New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF) today announced a $750,000 venture capital investment in Gemba Software Solutions. Th...
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RtTech and Populus Global CEOs Place in EY’s Awards Finals

RtTech and Populus Global CEOs Place in EY’s Awards Finals

July 9, 2015 Accelerating growth, driving innovation and building a strong legacy are what Canadian entrepreneurs do, every day. This year, EY is cele...
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NATECH Uses Innovation Voucher To Test New Septic System Materials

NATECH Uses Innovation Voucher To Test New Septic System Materials

If you’re a city slicker, chances are you don’t think much about what happens to what you flush down the toilet and wash down the sink. Th...
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