Your Breakthru Grand Prizewinner Total Pave

Your Breakthru Grand Prizewinner Total Pave

After a super high energy evening, a crowd of over 400 people lept to their feet to congratulate Total Pave for their grand prize win at Breakthru 2013. The company, lead by two brothers, Drew and Coady Cameron will receive $192,000 in prizes to get their business going and growing. Their technology basically reduces the need for an $800,000 instrument truck to analyse road conditions to an app on a smart phone. The software could see municipalities cut costs by up to 70%.

Hosted by NBIF and Cox & Palmer, the event co-hosts Harry Forestell from CBC News New Brunswick and Martine Blanchard of Radio-Canada Acadie brought the room to life with a great lineup of live onstage pitches by the finalists and videos about their company and opportunity. First runner-up went to Store It Squirrel, an online service that allows people who need storage space to find others in their community that have it to rent. Second runner-up and winner of the CBC Viewers’ Choice Award was Black Magic, maker of a revolutionary hand cleaner that removes grit and grime without harsh chemicals and scrubbers. You can still watch their stories online on the Breakthru page of the CBC News New Brunswick website.

“Yesterday, all three winners were students and career workers doing what they’ve been doing everyday as usual, today a new future for themselves and so many others,” said Bob Hatheway, Chair of NBIF, “this is what we do at NBIF, we create futures.”

In an interview, NBIF CEO Calvin Milbury said that the finalists were so strong this year that he wouldn’t be surprised to see all five up and running in the end. “There’s a lot of potential in those companies, and it’s likely we’ll be working with them to first provide them with constructive feedback and hopefully work with them to get their companies investment ready.”

Here’s a breakdown of the winners and prizes:

Cash investment by New Brunswick Innovation Foundation $100,000 $50,000 $50,000
Cash incentives by NB Growth Program (up to) 60,000 60,000
Legal services from Cox & Palmer 5,000 5,000 5,000
Financial advisory services from Deloitte 12,000 12,000 12,000
Branding services from Orange Sprocket 10,000
Intellectual property law from Bereskin & Parr 5,000
Integrated creative services from Outreach Productions 5,000 5,000
Branding services from Ginger Design 5,000 5,000
TOTAL $192,000 $137,000 $77,000

* Breakthru winners will also be invited to participate in the Atlantic Canada Venture Gateway’s Entrepreneurship Acceleration Program.

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