We help New Brunswick innovators
take their ideas further.

We support and empower New Brunswick entrepreneurs in building the next generation of global tech firms. We do that by investing in startups and by partnering with other investors to build venture capital.

Venture Capital

We invest in early-stage start-ups, those expanding into new markets, and businesses looking to leverage R&D for innovation.

Early Stage Commercialization Fund

We help move New Brunswick university, college and institutional research to market.

Productivity & Competitiveness

We invest in innovation that accelerates and improves the profitability and competitiveness of SMEs in New Brunswick.

News From Us

Mood Stabilizers In Waterways Affecting Fish

Mood Stabilizers In Waterways Affecting Fish

NBIF-funded researcher Karen Kidd of the University of New Brunswick, in an article recently published in Science Journal explains how anti-depressant...
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$80 Million To Be Invested In Innovation

$80 Million To Be Invested In Innovation

An $80-million investment in innovation and research and development as well as the naming of the co-chair of the New Brunswick Research and Innovatio...
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CeteX Advances Wastewater Treatment

CeteX Advances Wastewater Treatment

Entrevestor.com – Nathan and Gregory Armstrong, two brothers studying at University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, are working on an intriguin...
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