We help New Brunswick innovators
take their ideas further.

We support and empower New Brunswick entrepreneurs in building the next generation of global tech firms. We do that by investing in startups and by partnering with other investors to build venture capital.

Venture Capital

We invest in early-stage start-ups, those expanding into new markets, and businesses looking to leverage R&D for innovation.

Early Stage Commercialization Fund

We help move New Brunswick university, college and institutional research to market.

Productivity & Competitiveness

We invest in innovation that accelerates and improves the profitability and competitiveness of SMEs in New Brunswick.

News From Us

Yahia Djaoued to be honoured at R3 Gala
  • March 1, 2010

Yahia Djaoued to be honoured at R3 Gala

SHIPPAGAN (NB) – As some near-shore fishers continue to face financial losses, Yahia Djaoued and his research team are perfecting a new process ...
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Portfolio company Atlantic Hydrogen hires scientist to develop uses for its solid carbon byproduct

Portfolio company Atlantic Hydrogen hires scientist to develop uses for its solid carbon byproduct

Director of Carbon Development Appointed By Atlantic Hydrogen Staff | Link to release Atlantic Hydrogen has named Dr. Rodney Taylor to the newly creat...
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NBIF Portfolio Company Radian6 CEO Tells Forbes Why Brands Need To Listen

NBIF Portfolio Company Radian6 CEO Tells Forbes Why Brands Need To Listen

Social Media Sock Puppetry By Dan Woods | Forbes.com | Link to original article For some it is a trap so alluring they cannot resist. Posting a fake c...
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