NBIF is partnering Foresight Canada to open The Industry Challenge Program through the Climate Impact Fund with Opportunities New Brunswick. This program will identify solutions for a cleantech or sustainability challenge faced by a New Brunswick company.

NBIF invites NB companies to submit their challenges. The selected company will help choose innovative solutions from across Canada, with the winning solution piloted and partially funded through the Climate Impact Fund.


Have a challenge related to emissions reduction or sustainability with tangible environmental impact.

Must have a solid business case and commitment to engage in the solution selection process.


Private companies or industry associations based in New Brunswick, with a focus on New Brunswick’s priority sectors (fisheries, construction, transportation, forestry, energy, agtech, manufacturing).

Evaluation Criteria:

– Suitability for challenge process

– Environmental impact potential

– Business advantage

– Economic impact in New Brunswick or alignment with priority sectors

Key Dates:

– Submissions: Sept. 16 – Oct. 4

– Challenge selection: By Oct. 20

– Challenge period: Nov. 10 – Jan. 10

– Potential pilot project in 2025


Complete the form on NBIF’s web portal.


Contact us at programs@nbif.ca.