WATCH: Ara Labs Fighting Cybercrime – CBC News

Click here to watch this story on Botnets are thriving as more consumers are coming online and as cyber criminals look for new venues to monetize their resources. The shift towards the Online advertising ecosystem has already started with new fraud schemes emerging each day with new capabilit...
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Ara Labs Founders Receive Start-up Visas

At an event in Fredericton, Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander announced that the founders of Ara Labs Security Solutions are the latest successful applicants for permanent residence through the Start-up Visa Program. With a $250,000 investment by the New Brunswick Innov...
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Telegraph Journal Reports Breakthru 2013 Winner

By Shawn Berry, Telegraph Journal | link to original article (subscribers only) Two Fredericton brothers have won a $100,000 investment in their fledgling company after taking home the grand prize at this year's Breakthru competition after developing an application that lets a smartphone detect ...
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Your Breakthru Grand Prizewinner Total Pave

After a super high energy evening, a crowd of over 400 people lept to their feet to congratulate Total Pave for their grand prize win at Breakthru 2013. The company, lead by two brothers, Drew and Coady Cameron will receive $192,000 in prizes to get their business going and growing. Their technology...
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