Il s’agit notamment d’histoires de fondateurs, de succès de sociétés de portefeuille et des dernières nouvelles du monde du capital-risque.

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Thierry Chopin talks to Washington Post about sustainable fish farms

Thierry Chopin talks to Washington Post about sustainable fish farms

By Jane Black – Washington Post | link to original article As a student of the food system, I think there are few things as complicated as the d...
NBIF portfolio company walks away on top at KIRA Awards

NBIF portfolio company walks away on top at KIRA Awards

By Alexandra Davis – Daily Gleaner | link to original article Radian6 walked away the big winner at the KIRA Awards on Thursday night. The Frede...
Nouveaux fonds pour renouveler l’Initiative de technicien(nes) à la recherche

Nouveaux fonds pour renouveler l’Initiative de technicien(nes) à la recherche

FREDERICTON (N.‑B.) — La Fondation de l’innovation du Nouveau-Brunswick (FINB) a annoncé aujourd’hui avoir reçu de nouveaux fonds du gouvern...
New Government Funding Renews NBIF’s Research Technicians Initiative

New Government Funding Renews NBIF’s Research Technicians Initiative

FREDERICTON, (NB) The New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF) today announced that it has received new government funding via the Department of Pos...
World’s leading IT consulting firm Gartner names Anyware Group one of the coolest vendors

World’s leading IT consulting firm Gartner names Anyware Group one of the coolest vendors

By Quentin Casey – Telegraph Journal  | link to original article The world’s leading information technology research and advisory com...
La FINB annonce l’attribution de 630 000 $ pour financier 70 assistanats à la recherche

La FINB annonce l’attribution de 630 000 $ pour financier 70 assistanats à la recherche

FREDERICTON (N.‑B.) —La Fondation de l’innovation du Nouveau-Brunswick a annoncé aujourd’hui l’attribution de 630 000 $ pour financer 70 as...
NBIF Awards $630,000 To Fund 70 Student Research Assistants

NBIF Awards $630,000 To Fund 70 Student Research Assistants

FREDERICTON, (NB) The New Brunswick Innovation Foundation today announced that it is awarding $630,000 to fund 70 student research assistant positions...
University developing artificial intelligence in planes with NBIF funding

University developing artificial intelligence in planes with NBIF funding

FREDERICTON – If planes and cars could drive themselves and communicate with each other it would save time and human lives, says Howard Li. The ...
NBIF 2006 Student Entrepreneurship Prizewinner Kara Hachey expands Go Go Gymnastics to new markets

NBIF 2006 Student Entrepreneurship Prizewinner Kara Hachey expands Go Go Gymnastics to new markets

By Erin Dwyer – Telegraph Journal | link to original article A New Brunswick business is expanding into the Kennebecasis Valley and Saint John a...
Smart Skin now focusing on enhancing wireless devices with touch and a pressure-sensitive rubber lay

Smart Skin now focusing on enhancing wireless devices with touch and a pressure-sensitive rubber lay

By John Pollack – Telegraph Journal | Link to original article Since the release of the first iPhone in 2007, touchscreens have been a hot featu...
Old Ads That Won’t Die or Fade Away – Radian6 CEO speaks to The New York Times

Old Ads That Won’t Die or Fade Away – Radian6 CEO speaks to The New York Times

Old Ads That Won’t Die or Fade Away By Stuart Elliot – The New York Times Campaigns now “are not necessarily with a start and end date,” s...
New way of fish farming could help fix environment – Thierry Chopin

New way of fish farming could help fix environment – Thierry Chopin

BY RANDY SHORE – VANCOUVER SUN |  Link to original article New designs for fish farms could keep them in the ocean and help restore damaged...