NBIF Innovation Research Chair Erik Scheme Talks Wearables for Healthcare

NBIF Innovation Research Chair Erik Scheme Talks Wearables for Healthcare

By Heather MacLean, InvestNB | Link to original article Everywhere you turn today, you see new research and products related to wearable technology. S...
Former Breakthru Winner Receives $500K from Fed

Former Breakthru Winner Receives $500K from Fed

Honourable Rob Moore today announced $500,000 in funding for NBIF-backed SceneSharp. A software company with unique expertise in adding colour to digi...
Une participation et des prix record pour Percée

Une participation et des prix record pour Percée

Après une campagne d’appel à l’action de deux mois pour la cinquième édition biennale du Concours de démarrage Percée, la Fondation de l’i...
Breakthru Receives Record Applications and Prizes

Breakthru Receives Record Applications and Prizes

After a two-month call-to-action campaign for its fifth biennial Breakthru Startup Competition, the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF) today a...
WATCH: Ara Labs Fighting Cybercrime – CBC News

WATCH: Ara Labs Fighting Cybercrime – CBC News

Click here to watch this story on cbc.ca Botnets are thriving as more consumers are coming online and as cyber criminals look for new venues to moneti...
Ara Labs Founders Receive Start-up Visas

Ara Labs Founders Receive Start-up Visas

At an event in Fredericton, Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander announced that the founders of Ara Labs Security Solutions...
Resson Aerospace takes flight with $3M

Resson Aerospace takes flight with $3M

With customer interest growing rapidly, Resson Aerospace, a bioinformatics and data analytics company, announced today that it raised $3.025 million i...
192 étudiants reçoivent les bourses d’étude supérieures

192 étudiants reçoivent les bourses d’étude supérieures

Le 5 novembre, 2014 La Fondation de l’innovation du Nouveau-Brunswick (FINB) a annoncé aujourd’hui les noms des premiers bénéficiaires des bou...
First 192 NB Graduate Students Receive $1.3M

First 192 NB Graduate Students Receive $1.3M

November 14, 2014 NBIF announced the recipients of the first New Brunswick Graduate Scholarships. In total, 192 students received a total of $1.3 mill...
Ancien gagnant de Percée parle de son experience

Ancien gagnant de Percée parle de son experience

Le concours Percée a permis à l’entreprise de Yan Simard de prendre de l’avance sur un marché qui était encore embryonnaire à l’époque. Il...
Former NBIF Startup Competition Winner Television Feature

Former NBIF Startup Competition Winner Television Feature

Click here to view this story on CBC's Video Player Legacy Lane Fiber Mill is an exotic textile manufacturing company that caters to the exotic fa...
L’Impact global de la FINB augmente à 52 millions $ en 2013-14

L’Impact global de la FINB augmente à 52 millions $ en 2013-14

L’exercice de 2013-14 a été marqué par une augmentation des programmes et des fonds d’innovation offerts par la FINB. Cette augmentation a perm...