$80 Million To Be Invested In Innovation

An $80-million investment in innovation and research and development as well as the naming of the co-chair of the New Brunswick Research and Innovation Council highlighted the state of the province address by Premier David Alward. « Innovation is the foundation of our growing economy, » said Alw...

CeteX Advances Wastewater Treatment

Entrevestor.com – Nathan and Gregory Armstrong, two brothers studying at University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, are working on an intriguing proposition to reduce the cost and environmental footprint of waste-water cleanups. They want the methane gas produced by such waste water to provid...

CloudLinx Improves IT for SMBs

Entrevestor.com – As Cory Allen recovered from cancer three years ago, he had a Eureka moment that led to the creation of CloudLinx, a cloud-based company that lowers small businesses’ technology bill while improving flexibility. Fredericton-based CloudLinx handles the server functions for s...

TotalPave to Improve Road Testing

Entrevestor.com – Coady Cameron’s thesis for his master’s of civil engineering degree could end up saving municipalities a lot of money. Coady and his brother, Drew, are the co-founders of TotalPave, a Fredericton startup that aims to revolutionize the way cities and towns assess which roa...